HomeFriends & Supporters

Friends & Supporters

The Southern Music Research Center is powered by the generous contributions of its friends and partners. To help support our mission, grow our archive, and expand our public programs, please consider becoming an SMRC donor. There are many ways to contribute:

+ Pledge ongoing support through a monthly Patreon contribution

+ Make a one-time donation via Paypal (@smrcenter)

+ Make a one-time donation via Venmo (@southernmusicresearch)

+ Donations by check can be written to the Southern Music Research Center and mailed to:

Southern Music Research Center
893 Mountain Ridge Drive
Birmingham, Alabama 35209

NOTE: As of April 2024, Patreon donors with a monthly contribution of $10 or more, and all donors with an annual contribution of $120 or more, will receive our quarterly print newsletter, delivered straight to their mailboxes. Each issue includes spotlights on items in our archive, along with news from the organization.

If you'd like to donate in honor of a friend or family member, or in memory of a departed love one, we'll send a card to the honoree or their family in acknowledgment of your gift. Just send an email to giving@southernmusicresearch.org, indicating your form of payment and where you'd like us to send the card; we'll follow up to confirm the details. 

Business owners and corporations seeking to support our efforts through a community partnership should email giving@southernmusicresearch.org. 

The Southern Music Research Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and your donations are tax deductible. To request a receipt for your donation, please email giving@southernmusicresearch.org (subject line: "tax receipt"); annual contributions of $250 or more will automatically receive a receipt. 

Boundless thanks to the many supporters whose financial contributions have made this project possible:

Lucie and Rich Amberg
Brian Arnold
Stephanie Banks
Scott Barretta
Jonas Bateman
Erik Benke
Ford Boswell
Sarah Bryan
Aaron Carlisle
Julie Carroll
John Clay
Ross Collier
Brian Connell
Jerald Crook
Jubal John Dalzell
Robert Daniel
Harold Dickinson
Karen Dillard
Mandy Dorsey
Paul Dufrene
Blake Ells
Tiber Falzett
Franklin Fantini
Robert Finch
Ben Foster
Philip Foster
Will Furgeson
Kim Graham
Nancy Graham
Casey Goldschmidt
Debra Gordon-Hellman
Elisabeth Harris
Tyler Hemby
Edward Hocevar
John Horton
Jay Howell
Nicholas Humphrey
Emily Jack & Aaron Smithers
Wendy Jarvis
Megan Johnson
Michael Johnson
Leslie Kelly
Gottfried Kibelka
Cookie Knott
Christa Lawson
Matthew Layne
Tara Lee
Scott & Leanna Lesley
Samuel Lober
Jill Marlar
George & Betty Mathews
Jud Mathews
Cliff May
Wayne McLaughlin

John McWilliams
Davis Middlemas
Preston Miller
Katie Moellering
James Mowery
Hunter Murphy
Sarah Neilson
Andrew Nelson
Jody Nelson
Steve Norris
Kevin Nutt
Stewart Oates
Deni Owens
Kelli Painter
Hunter Palmer
Jeff Payne
Jamie Plott
Rachel Wallace Preskitt
Eric Reid-St. John
Su Reid-St. John
David Rikard
Roger Stephenson Photography
Monica Romano
Lilah Rosenblum
Will Rutland
Jan Sanford
Mary Scott
The Shed Series
David Seale
Joshua Segall
Pudd & Leigh Anne Sharp
Denise Shaw
Jo Shipman
Devon Shoeneman
Janet Simpson
Catherine Smith
Adamantia Stathakes
Hampton & Bart Stephens
Alexis Sterling
Travis Stimeling
Kelly Swatzell
Sweet Wreath Records
Kate Tankersly
William Teer
Charles Tortorici
The Utz Family
John Vanover
Denise White
Danny Whitsett
Shane Wiley
Elizabeth Williams
Elaine Witt
Brian Wright
Steven Yates

