Browse Items (19 total)

Women dancing while Buna Hicks fiddles, c. April 1965.

Clipping from The Avery [NC] Journal showing, left to right, Jack Guy, Ida Presnell(?), unidentified woman, Tab Ward, and Buna Hicks.

Buna Hicks entertains on guitar and duclimer, September 1966.

Buna Hicks and Hattie Presnell at Jack Guy's store, June 1967.

Ida Presnell, Buna Hicks, and Hattie Presnell at Jack Guy's store, June 1967

Buna Hicks, fiddling; Stanley Hicks, seated; Hattie Hicks Presnell in doorway with unidentified child. Photo taken on the porch of Jack Guy's store; Guy's recording equipment is at right.

Buna Hicks, playing fiddle; Stanley Hicks, seated; Hattie Hicks Presnell in doorway with unidentified child. Photo taken on the porch of Jack Guy's store; Guy's recording equipment is at right.

Stanley Hicks, Buna Hicks, and Hattie Hicks Presnell on the porch of Jack Guy's store, 1960s.

Buna Hicks fiddling and Hattie Hicks Presnell dancing. Possibly at courthouse fiddler's convention in Boone.

Buna Hicks, Tab Ward, and an unidentified child at Tab Ward's home.

Scenes from Beech Creek, North Carolina, 1960s, from the collection of Jack Guy.

Silent footage from an outdoor event, likely the Daniel Boone Wagon Train, an annual pioneer-themed gathering that took place from 1963 to 1973 in North Carolina's Wilkes and Watauga Counties. Additional footage features Jack Guy and various Beech…

From a reel-to-reel recording labeled "Appalachian Folk and Country Music"; the collection features various artists recorded circa mid-1960s by Jack Guy, probably at Guy's Folk Toys, in Beech Creek, North Carolina.

From a reel-to-reel recording labeled "Appalachian Folk and Country Music"; the collection features various artists recorded circa mid-1960s by Jack Guy, probably at Guy's Folk Toys, in Beech Creek, North Carolina.

Claudia Howe, "Whimmydiddle, Other Folk Toys Bring Income To Avery Families,"Charlotte Observer, February 24, 1971.
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